Common SEO Mistakes Ruining Your Website Ranking

Having a website is simple but maintaining and getting traffic is a difficult task. Nowadays most of the business people are having a website and they don’t know how to increase the traffic for their website. Search engine optimization is one of the important techniques to increase the traffic for your website. But while doing search engine optimization, you are missing some important elements that are required to get more traffic to your website. Here are some common SEO mistakes we make while doing search engine optimization.

1. Wrong Keyword Selection

Selection of a Keyword plays an important role in the Website Ranking. Optimizing the content with correct keywords helps to increase the reliability and website ranking. Wrong keywords will always decrease the behavior of your website. A common mistake we make while selecting a keyword is ignoring the preference in search engines.

2. Insertion of Keyword in the Content

Keyword placing in each sentence is a good strategy. But nowadays placing the keyword in every sentence doesn’t boost the content. Because the search engines are reporting as spam when the keywords are overboard. Google is introducing a new search called Latent Semantic Indexing. This can identify your topic in the content without repeating the keywords in the content.

3. Copied or Duplicate Content

You can get the information from different places but copying that content could easily damage your website reputation. The content you copied from other sites can end up by removing your website from Google’s search results. Duplicating the content from other websites will also cost you damage in the way of website ranking.

4. Ignoring Tags and Meta Descriptions

Title tags and Meta Descriptions are the main key factors that should not be ignored in SEO. Every Page on your website should have different names. This is done not only for SEO purposes, sometimes your pages will be shared on social media so at that time representing different pages should have unique titles. It is very helpful to go to the particular page. The Meta tag is the brief description of what the page is about. If you don’t specify the meta description google will take the first sentence of the content. Then sometimes it will not relate to your content. So use Meta tags, Image tags, Title tags.

5. Consistency and Maintenance of the Website

Frequently you need to optimize your site and you should have a look at the changes in search engine algorithms. If you want your site to be on the top rank, then you need to follow maintenance and consistency. You should have a close look at the competition for your site.

6. Social Media Boosting

One of the main reasons to share your content on social media is to get the attention of the social media followers you are having. When you share the content on social media it is noticed not only by the followers in social media but also noticed by the search engines. By sharing content on social media, you get more users to visit your website. If you don’t share your content on your social media, then you are limiting yourself.

7. Ignoring URLs

Nowadays people underrate the importance of Keywords in the URL. If you place the keyword in the URL it is possible to rank high. In MSN and yahoo, it is essential to have keywords in URL. Even in Google, URLs with keywords will always rank high.

8. Poor Content

The content you are presenting should be relevant and accurate. You should never miss guiding the audience with your content. Try to cover all the key elements in the selected topic and place the keywords. If you don’t place the keywords in the content then it is hard to rank in search engines. If the content you have written is irrelevant then the traffic for your website will automatically fall down. You have to attract the audience with your content by adding images and by interlinking the various links.

9. Internal Linking

Internal linking means linking to another page on the same website. You should never redirect your audience by placing external links. In one way you are losing the audience by placing external links. Internal linking is an important element for SEO but many are ignoring this element.

10. Neglecting Analytics

Neglecting the analytics is the biggest mistake that is ruining your website ranking. Always you have to check the statistics in which area it is performing well and in which area it is not performing. You need to monitor in which phrase the conversions are coming and from where the traffic is coming. You need to calculate all the statistics and based on the performance you need to optimize the content. If you don’t follow the analytics then you don’t know how it is performing and what are the changes you have to do to get the traffic.


These common SEO mistakes will do a lot of damage to your website. You all just need the presence of mind while doing Search Engine Optimization. Make sure that you don’t repeat these mistakes.

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