Digital Marketing Interview Questions

Interview performance is often the deciding factor when deciding between candidates for a job. It’s a critical part of the recruitment process so you’ll need to impress from the beginning.

Here are some tips for a good meeting.


Find out as much information as possible about your prospective employer in advance. Most companies have websites that are packed with information so this is a good place to start. Check the relevant trade press; familiarize yourself with mission statements, past performance and future goals. Talk to other people you know in the industry and others that know the company you’re interviewing for.

Think about the recent factors affecting the company and build some questions around this. Write them down, and there’s nothing wrong with bringing a notepad out in a meeting as it shows a good level of preparation. Your questions are a really effective method of showing knowledge, desire and understanding and the importance of preparing these should not be undermined.

During the meeting

Get the basics right.

Greet your interviewer standing, with a strong, firm handshake and don’t forget to smile. Good body language is vital, hence don’t slouch. Speak clearly and confidently and try to maintain a comfortable level of eye contact throughout.

Interviews will normally start with an introductory chat, moving on to questions specific to your application and experience. You should get some information about the company and role too and finish with an opportunity for you to ask some questions of your own.

Make sure you know what’s on your CV and be prepared to answer questions from it. Make sure you’ve read the job description thoroughly and think of ways in which your experience will benefit your potential employer. Listen to what is being asked of you. Think about your answers to more difficult questions.

A short silence is better than minutes of waffle so be mindful of giving irrelevant detail. Give positive examples from your experience to date but be concise. Prepare yourself in advance for common interview questions.

Here are a few common questions

There are some interview questions which have a habit of coming up, so make sure you’ve prepared for them.


When did you decide that you want to pursue a career in digital marketing and why? What sort of work do you want to be doing and why? Where do you see yourself in the short term and long term period?


What did you study? Why did you choose this subject? How did you feel about your results? How did you work towards achieving your results?

Career/Work experience (if applicable)

How did you arrive at your current/most recent position? What are your responsibilities within the role? How important is attention to detail in your current role? Why are you looking to move? What have been your best achievements in your current role? In your last appraisal, what areas of development were identified? How are you tackling these issues? How would your Manager describe you?

Competency based questions

These can be tricky so make sure your answers have a decent structure.

Think about the acronym STAR:

Situation: describe the situation succinctly, the challenges and the obstacles

Target: what was the objective?

Action: what was your specific involvement in this?

Result: what was the outcome?

Here are some examples to get your started

Describe an example of how you have effectively worked as part of a team.

Describe an example of when you have been given responsibility for a project from start to finish.

Describe how you build good relationships in a working environment.

Describe an example of how you have influenced a decision making process at work/university.

Describe an example of when you have been set a strict deadline and how you ensured that it was met.

Describe a highly pressurized situation that you have found yourself in – what were the pressures/who or what was pressuring you? How did you overcome them?

Describe an example of when you have had to remain resilient against a challenging person/group of people.

Company Knowledge

What do you know about the company you’re interviewing for?

Why is this organization that you would like to join?

What can you bring to the organization?

Some good questions for you to ask the interviewer

Asking the interviewer or the panel your own questions plays a very important role in the interview.

Not only for your own purpose of actually figuring out if it’s the right job and place for you, but it also tells the interviewer quite a lot about you. Often the questions you ask are just as important and sometimes more important than the answers to give to their questions.

Here are some general questions that are great to ask:

How would you describe the company’s culture and leadership philosophy?

Can you please show me some examples of projects that I’d be working on?

What specific qualities and skills are you looking for in the job candidate?

What would you say are the three most important skills needed to excel in this position?

What is the next step? When do you think you will be making a decision?

So buckle up and get ready to face any interview in the digital world. And if you aren’t quite sure as to how to get ready, just feel free to contact us at Simpliskills.

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