Digital Marketing in Health Care Industry

Over the last few years, every industry is welcoming big data and digital marketing in their line of business due to its numerous advantages. While it was possible in the earlier days to reach out the customer through the traditional way of marketing, now it is difficult to target, as we have seen how innovative technology is taking over and how people got scattered on various mediums. For most of us, a question might arise: how can marketing spread its footprints in the healthcare industry?

A recent report reveals that out of 20 searches on Google one search will be related to healthcare. This is because, as a maximum number of people going online for information and searching for a solution for their health related issues. Formerly word of mouth marketing played a vital role in the healthcare industry; as we used to visit a doctor on the recommendation given by the family and friend zone even though his/her clinic is miles away. Healthcare marketing is not a new one for us, we have seen it earlier also in various form like

  1. Organizing Health camps by hospitals.
  2. Radio ads.
  3. Doctor promotion via scrolling on T.V sets.
  4. Testimonies.
  5. Banners on public transport.

Why Are Digital Marketing & Healthcare Coming Together?

In the present world due to advancement in medical science as an individual, we started concentrating more on our health these days. Though we might be slow to use digital marketing strategies in India, most of the developed countries are using these digital marketing techniques to drive patients to their hospitals and clinics. On the other hand, the Indian public is largely driven by the cash payments for care and services, whereas in other countries it is insurance policy driven. Google collaborated with Inc., to understand what influences people and how digital plays an important role in the hospital selection published in “The Digital journey to wellness: Hospital selection”.

  • 84% of patients use both offline and online sources for hospital research.
  • Search drives nearly 3 times as many visitors to hospital sites compared to non-search visitors.
  • Patients primarily search for symptoms and conditions on a digital medium before visiting a doctor.
  • Digital content plays a vital role for scheduling an appointment.

Before Scheduling an Appointment

  • 44% of patients book an appointment who research hospitals’ sites on a mobile device.
  • 83 % of patients visit hospital sites to know more about services offered.
  • 50% of patients are influenced by the health information site.
  • 26% through reviews.
  • 21% of patients book an appointment via mobile site or websites.
  • Search brings more valuable visitors to hospitals than any other source.
  • 1 in 8 patients follow online videos for testimonials and review to know about treatment options on hospital websites.

After Booking an Appointment After rendering service from particular hospitals patients share their experience.

  • 12% post reviews on social sites.
  • 6% of patients post a review on a website.

How Digital Marketing Supports Healthcare Industry

Above statistics show how the digital medium is playing a vital role in the healthcare industry. There are below digital marketing modules that can help healthcare to stay ahead.

Search Engine Optimization

SEO is useful to drive more patients to the hospital. These days for minor health issues we surf the various healthcare websites and blogs to get the instant diagnosis of our problem. SEO helps to target such kinds of people. 

Email Marketing

Email Marketing means dropping a letter to the people in their inbox by creating a beautiful template and making them land on a hospital website for more information. 

Social Media Marketing

People are very much active on social media networks, there are more chances of spreading the news to people through this network like facebook, instagram, twitter etc. 

Ad Campaign by using PPC

Healthcare industries might have used various ad platforms like Newspaper, banners and pamphlets distribution. Digital Marketing provides you the same kind of ideas to post an advertisement. The advantage of Google AdWords gives you the power to manage budget, location, time scheduling to post an ad from anywhere and anytime. 

Healthcare Industry in India 2017

In India, the healthcare industry is growing rapidly. Both the public and private sector are strengthening their services. These days we have seen a lot of competition and entry of foreign players in the healthcare industry in the form of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). 

Healthcare is one of the largest industries in India, and it is generating a lot of opportunities for people in the medical field. The Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) report says that Indian healthcare market is around US$ 100 Billion worth and is expected to grow up to US$ 280 billion by the year 2020, and even the Healthcare Information Technology (IT) market, currently which is valued at US$ 1 billion is expected to grow 1.5 times by 2020.

Investment in Healthcare

The hospitals and diagnostic centers from the year 2000 -2016 have attracted US$ 4.09 billion investment in the form of FDI. A diagnostic laboratory of Thyrocare Technologies, the objective is to achieve revenue of RS 1000 crore by 2020. And plan to expand its lab centers franchisees from 1,200 to 5,000. International Finance Corporation (IFC), has invested 450 crore or a 29 per cent stake in Healthcare major Apollo Groups. Practo Technologies Pvt Ltd, a digital healthcare start-up firm, raised US$ 55 million from Chinese Investment Company, called Tencent Holdings Ltd. Abraaj Group, a Dubai-based company, has acquired a controlling 72% stake in Care Hospital –Hyderabad. The above are very few firms which are expanding their business. In India there are many healthcare industries that have attracted investment on a large scale to improve and grow its services.

Health-Related Application Promotion Using Digital Marketing

To stay fit many health applications and tools are available, just you have to download from your smartphone and utilize the benefits. As various applications are available it is difficult to choose the best one, the developers of the healthcare app are using digital marketing to promote their app online. 

Health Product Promotion Using Digital Marketing

There are various nutritional products available online as major e-commerce and start-ups are using PPC (Adwords), SEO to reach more and more people who are looking for products & supplements. 

 Now it is easy to track your health activities to monitor pulse rate, heartbeat by using the Fitness band which is available on various e-commerce websites. 

 The Healthcare Industry is drawing out the strategies to implement the digital marketing tools. As a group, they are coming together and organizing events and conferences. Here is the list of events on digital marketing in healthcare for 2017. 

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