Digital Marketing Training for Entrepreneurs and Small Business Owners
It has been our observation that entrepreneurs and small business owners want to understand the potential of digital marketing, as everyone talks about it but could not find the right way and it takes a lot of time and effort to research, study, understand, experiment and then see what works and what doesn’t.
Meanwhile some of them go to an agency or a freelancer for quicker results. Some of them, if they are lucky, get results. Others have to restart the entire process. Some of them cannot afford to pay more, so they get to deal with small timers, so as the results. Over a period of time, it sounds like an unnecessary investment and they stop the process. But at the back of their mind they feel that they should have gotten a clear idea on what works and what doesn’t.
How about learning the process for a small fee, where you will be taken through all the stages of the digital marketing process, with samples, templates, case studies, videos and assignments (most probably on your own business). As you understand your business more better than any other person in the world, when you create the marketing strategy, it will work better than someone who doesn’t know much about your inner passion, ideas, vision (or) could not connect to the full extent.
Moreover you will not have much time before you start seeing the results, because we know, every minute counts. In the blink of the eye a month passes by, and it’s time for rents, salaries, other recurring payments etc. We understand that there are many resources online that can give information on various things that you need to know. But the major issue is that it is more complex to understand things when there is more information, talking differently about the same thing and it confuses you further.
Most importantly when there is no order and framework for the instructions, the learning will not happen in a desired way. This looks chaotic and you don’t know where to start and where to end. After looking at all these things, we thought it’s the right thing to do by creating a training program for entrepreneurs. Please visit the DRE (Digital Ready Entrepreneur) page for more details on the program.