Need More Inbound Leads? See How You can Use Mobile Marketing to Drive More Inbound Leads

Everyone knows the use of mobile devices is growing every day. In fact, 80% of internet users own a smartphone and 70% of mobile searches will result in action being taken within an hour versus a week which is the case for desktop users. So, it stands to reason that if you want to increase your revenue, you need to find the most effective ways to drive more inbound leads via SMS and other types of mobile marketing. Here are four of the best ways to drive more inbound leads through your mobile marketing efforts.

1. Video Marketing

Video marketing is the number one way to achieve a significant increase in sales leads. People love videos, and videos, once created and posted, will serve as a passive form of revenue for years to come. You create your videos once, roll them out and watch your income continue to increase with no additional effort required. 

Videos also serve several other significant purposes aside from using them as lead generators. Using videos will also help improve your search engine rankings (Google loves videos) and they will increase the amount of time people spend on your website, which is a huge Google ranking factor. Google believes the longer a user spends on your website indicates that user being happy with the information they received and that’s Google’s ultimate goal. And generally, videos will usually boost the conversion rates on your landing pages as well. The one thing to keep in mind though is that if you are going to do video marketing, you have to do it right. People know the difference between a quality video, which will contribute to your trust factor and be a testament to the professionalism of your business, versus an amateur video which screams cheap and unprofessional and possibly untrustworthy. And you don’t want that!

2. Mobile-Friendly Lead Generation Forms

You might have the perfect mobile ready website with the best colors, graphics and images, and the highest quality content available, but if your lead generation form isn’t user-friendly, you might as well not have even bothered to do anything at all. Your lead generation form should be easy to find, easy to navigate and easy to fill out without taking up too much of the users’ time; otherwise, they will click out and you will lose them, possibly forever. Also, make sure your team is regularly testing your website, as well as your lead generation forms for their usability and to ensure they are working properly, etc.

3. Develop a Mobile App

If you are using any type of mass text marketing, then you should also have a mobile app as well. Once you send out your mass texts, it will make it easier for your customers to engage with you via a mobile app versus having to go to a website and navigate through it in order to do whatever it is you want them to do. With a mobile app, your customers can quickly and easily tap the app and they are right where you want them to be, instantly, with no waiting and a more clear, precise way to act on your call to action.

4. Use Multiple Inbound Channels

If you want your marketing efforts to be effective, you should be using a wide variety of marketing channels to boost your marketing strategy. For example, you should be creating and publishing top quality content that people want to share, which will give you the ever coveted viral effect. You should also be participating in your industry’s most popular blogs by commenting and offering information and education, as well as a link back to your website whenever possible. This will also help you build your brand’s reputation as well. You can also achieve this same effect by participating on question and answer sites such as Yahoo Answers, etc. And don’t forget about utilizing LinkedIn groups as well. Remember, most people access these sites via their mobile device at all times of the day and the night; therefore, these are sometimes the best avenues to use to reach your largest audience. There are plenty of ways you can boost your inbound leads through mobile marketing. If you would like more information or help rolling out some new lead generation campaigns, please contact us today.

About the Author

Sophorn is the marketing guy at Trumpia, a mobile content delivery service that allows users to customize their one-to-one marketing efforts by interconnecting and optimizing all digital platforms. As an innovator in two-way SMS/MMS marketing, Trumpia’s mission is to empower brands and public figures with interactive access to their audiences, reaching targeted affinity groups in a personal way. Trumpia delivers world-class content such as video, ticketing, polling, product sales, contests and giveaways.

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