Significance of Personalization in Digital Marketing

People like to be heard, to be made to feel as if they matter. With the help of personalization, marketing has been able to do just that. Be it emails, ads, and so on, everything these days is tailor made keeping in mind the customer. To understand how personalization has revolutionized digital marketing, keep reading.

What is Personalization?

There used to be a time when just saying our name in subject lines used to get us excited. In today’s world, personalization has become integral to providing a good experience to customers and keeping them engaged. Further, it gives brands the edge they need to remain relevant in the ultra-competitive market. 

People naturally are inclined towards brands that they feel listen to them, and understand their issue. They need to know that their preferences and needs are being taken into consideration. This is where personalization comes in and it has made it easy for brands to make their customers feel valued. 

Essentially, it is aimed at improving the efficiency of the message that a brand wants related to its audience. Starting with the collection of data, which is then analyzed so that it can be used optimally, content is created to suit the different needs of the different customers. 

Why is Personalization Important in Marketing?

Personalization or even personalized marketing has proven, time and again, that it can really impact the way a customer views a brand and take their marketing game up by many notches. 

Further, with this dominantly digital age that we live in, the expectations of customers are always high. They want to see content that is relevant to them and enhances their experience by making it more convenient with the right context. 

They want what they want and are immediately attracted to brands that are simplifying the various steps involved in a customer’s journey. Now it is up to the marketers to meet their demands and with the help of personalization, they’re doing a pretty good job. Also, with the constantly improving technology, they’re only getting better. 

Benefits of Personalization in Marketing 

Some of the primary benefits that personalization brings to marketing have been listed below: 

1. More conversions 

Personalization brings with it a guaranteed increase in conversions and subsequently, sales. There has been a study that showed that with the implementation of personalization on a particular website, there was a 95% hike in the number of visitors. 

2. Long-lasting relationships with customers 

After purchase, those companies that have effective marketing techniques that incorporate personalization have been observed to fare better than those who don’t. This is because it helps in forming lasting connections with existing customers. 

With the help of customer data, as well as machine learning and subsequent content and product optimization, brands can provide a richer experience to the customers. This is what keeps them coming back for more. 

3. Increase in engagement

Personalization doesn’t just help in making sales but also helps in creating brand awareness. Many people out there, your potential customers, who are still in their research phase can get the right information that will then point them in your direction. In this manner, you get a lot of leads as well. 

4. Improved content

Personalization not just improves user experience but also helps brands to effectively work on their content. It helps them in creating content that makes them stand out and catch the eye of the customers they are vying for. 

Many times, we create content which we deem suitable for the target audience we have in mind but that isn’t the case. Even after all those long hours and attention to detail, you might still miss the mark. Personalization ensures that this doesn’t become the case for you. 

5. Builds a brand’s personality

While many restrict personalization to just some technology that automates everything and misses the ‘human element’. But this doesn’t have to be the case. For example, marketers can easily set up a reply-to-address option in the automated email program. 

After this, customers will just have to simply give feedback and even drop any queries that they might have. This sort of ease in communication helps in building a brand’s identity and establishing its credibility. 


Empathy and consideration can take you a long way when it comes to marketing. These two are effectively leveraged with the help of personalization. Therefore, you need to elevate your marketing strategy today using personalization and improve the user experience.

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