Ten Brands Using the Best Digital Marketing Strategies

The sheer amount of content out there on the internet is ridiculous. There is something for everybody and amidst all that, creating and establishing your brand identity is not an easy task. However, it can be done using digital marketing strategies.

There is a system to how things work on the web and if you can repurpose and plan a good digital marketing strategy, there is no end to what you can achieve. And to prove this point, we’ll be going over the success stories of some best marketing strategies used by companies around the world.

Power of a Good Digital Marketing Strategy

Before we delve into the success stories of how top brands use digital marketing, we are going to focus on why exactly is a digital marketing strategy so important.

Almost half of the people out there doing digital marketing are doing so without a well-thought-out strategy in place and it shows in their work. Having a structured and consistent strategy:

  • Keeps you on track
  • Helps you manage your finances better
  • Gives you more breathing room to work on other ideas

Meanwhile, if you don’t have one, issues will arise constantly.

  • You’re lacking a goal that is supposed to be your driving factor. While this doesn’t have to be something monumental, there should be something that drives you
  • Strategy requires a lot of research and if that isn’t a part of your process, you don’t know the audience you’re catering which is a huge mistake
  • You’ll be wasting your time, resources, and finances since you won’t know how to manage them

The power of the best digital marketing strategy, therefore, lies in the fact that it prepares for the whole process beforehand. You’ll know what you’re getting yourself into so you can prepare accordingly.

10 Brands Making the Best Use of Digital Marketing

While a certain number of names were already popular before digital marketing became so essential, they have actively taken up this form of marketing. It’s because the reach it has is massive and keeping up with the times is essential for running any business, no matter how popular. Here are a few best marketing strategies used by companies

1. Nike

The global sportswear giant isn’t just doing it when it comes to its digital marketing strategies. They put a lot of thought and effort into them, and this was reflected very well in their campaign for their new brand – Jordan.

Nike partnered with Facebook Messenger’s chatbot platform Snaps. The chatbot kept all the followers of the company updated about the new brand through Facebook Messenger.

Nike has used creative digital marketing strategy to promote their products. Newsletters, blogs, new posts on the websites, everything was communicated to the followers via messengers and they were also able to customize the times they received those notifications. This digital marketing strategy resulted in an 87% open rate and was a huge success.

2. Airbnb

Airbnb, one of the best companies using social media, has created quite a reputation in the travel industry with over 150 million active users worldwide. It has a massive 700 million active Instagram users every month as they have taken the help of influencer marketing to spread the word.

Most influencers use that platform and therefore, have a good hold over it which has helped out Airbnb immensely. Mariah Carey, the famous singer, had put up a post on her Instagram where she was on some Airbnb property, and it got over 45,000 likes.

She was the first influencer/celebrity who promoted their company, and many others followed her. When they wanted to announce their 60,000 new dog-friendly properties, they took the help of Marnie – a popular dog on Instagram who has over 1.3 million followers.

She was shown to be having the time of her life in a mansion and Airbnb was able to successfully leverage her popularity to effectively make their announcement. It was very well received by Instagram users.

3. Netflix

Netflix, one of the top companies using digital marketing takes the help of personalization and simplicity to market its content. Both of these together work out really for them as there is no unnecessary bombarding customers with emails and forcing options down their throat.

They send out one email now and then based on the viewers’ history, and address them by their first name to keep things light and personal. Their call-to-action element is one-word ‘play’ which appears in your notification bar. Simple and effective.

4. Tesco

Tesco has been one of the top brands using digital marketing. This supermarket giant took the help of email marketing to boost sales. But they pulled this off in a smart way. They gathered information with help of Clubcard purchasing history information to get family/person-specific preferences.

They did this because segmented emails (basically division based on demographics, preferences, etc.) work more effectively and it is a proven fact. They have a 65% higher opening rate than non-segmented emails.

Using the procured information, they sent different families, different recipes and discounts and offers, based on their history.

 5. Starbucks

Starbucks, the coffee genius, is one of the best companies using social media, it makes really good use of social media platforms. The company is always trying to keep its customers actively engaged with them.

One of their most effective campaigns was “Tweet a coffee”. It allowed the users to give their friends a 5-dollar gift card by putting “@tweetacoffee and mentioning their handle in the tweet.

They are also very prompt in reacting to the feedback given by their customers and working on the negatives and thanking them for the positives.

6. Coca Cola

Coca-cola has always focused on providing a personalized customer experience because naturally, their satisfaction should always come first. Coca cola is one of the companies using social media marketing at its best. With more than 90 million users on all their social media platforms, they have a thriving digital presence,

Their Twitter presence, especially, is really good and wholesome. They directly engage with their followers on the platform and coming to campaigns, ‘share a coke’ got them a great response.

It was a text wrapped around the bottle which said, “Share a coke with …” followed by the name of some celebrity. It started in Australia and has evolved over the years and increased its sales a lot. Selena Gomez also promoted their brand when it got to the US and turned into “Share a Coke and a song with..”

7. Ford

Ford has used one of the best content marketing strategies. The company’s content marketing strategy is very striking because it touches upon topics like carbon neutrality, which is relevant and adds to their appeal.

Their blogs take heavily from their history that gives it an enriched quality that instantly appeals to the viewers. Along with this, it also includes the company’s initiatives, as well as product and services updates.

They have profiles on Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, and Flickr, and a massive following with whom they actively engage.

8. Dove

Dove has one of the best examples of a great digital marketing strategy. Their ‘Real Beauty Campaign’ reflects their remarkable skills. It displayed a sketch artist who created two sketches, one was how a woman saw herself and the other was how others saw them.

The result was that how others saw them was way more gratifying than how they saw themselves. This gave birth to their beautiful message, “You are more beautiful than you think.”

This was such a thought-provoking and impactful message which transcends boundaries and unifies women globally. It is what makes Dove’s digital marketing strategies so effective because they make you feel.

9. Tesla

Centered around their social media, Tesla marketing strategy is very minimal. Even though they are quite young as compared to their competitors BMW, Chevrolet, etc., they have a massive Twitter following.

This is courtesy of their CEO Elon Musk who is very active on the platform and is constantly posting updates and essentially using his personality to increase awareness and boost sales. Since he is now the richest man in the world, it’s safe to say that has worked out wonderfully for them.

10. Asos

This British brand has made a name for themselves using their digital marketing strategy and understanding their target audience – millennials. Now since almost all the millennials use social media, they decided to use it to their advantage.

One of their most loved campaigns #AsSeenOnMe was a huge success because it struck a chord with the younger audience. Asos social media marketing strategy has become one of the most successful campaigns. They depended on UGC (user-generated content) as they asked their followers to share posts wearing ASOS and use the hashtag.

Currently, there are more than 1.14 million posts on Instagram with the hashtag #AsSeenOnMe. It demonstrates that you can use UGC as well to effectively market your product, it can especially be very helpful for small businesses.

The technique is being used nowadays but the example of ASOS is one of the most successful ones and has set a great precedent.


These are but a few examples of how creative you can get with your digital marketing strategy. We can’t give you a guarantee that these will work for you if you choose to do something like that but we can tell you one thing.

You put in the research, the hours and come up with the best digital marketing strategy that will suit your brand, your voice, and your product, it will work. However, make sure to keep working till you get it right and once you do, start again because people need new content constantly.


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