The Best Practices for Landing Page for a Better Customer Journey

Accept it or not, your landing page is the unsung hero of your brand’s website. How right? It’s the landing page of your website that has the power to attract leads and customers. So, of course, it is necessary that you optimize your website landing pages for your leads and customers to have a better journey while browsing through your website. You should provide landing page best practices to better your conversions. But before we get into that, let me start with the basics.

What is a Landing Page?

In simple terms, a landing page is any webpage which serves as the primary entry point to a website. It can be a blog post page, an advertisement page, a site abandonment pop-up, or whatever you choose it to be. The landing page is created in order to attract leads and customers for your brand by offering them a sneak peek of what you provide.

How Does a Landing Page Benefit Your Brand?

Landing Page Leverages Business Goals

One of the most important uses of a landing page is that it helps find new and niche market areas that can help take your business to better heights. This way, you get more customers who might rather be the most efficient kind of audience and leads that your brand requires. With a strategy that basically supports your business aims, landing pages are the best way to make the audience participate in a certain action concerning your website, such as downloading an Ebook, sharing content, watching a video, etc.

The goal here is to get users to update their details so the brand can use them as leads to talk about their products

Landing Page Helps in Brand Awareness

How you brand your website’s landing page directly affects your brand’s reputation. With an impressive landing page, your viewers not just remember your brand, but also spread word about your website. Certainly, this is a great way to gain some extra points.

This landing page is fit to attract people who are focused on rebuilding their health

Landing Page is the Ultimate Portal to Conversions

As a brand owner, your core goal is to get as many conversions as possible. Needless to say, your landing page holds the precise power of doing so. A landing page, with its call-to-action feature, urges viewers to take an action, such as fill out a form, or leave a message. This, in turns, gives you a list of probable leads, who can be your customers, or at least the recipients of your email marketing campaign. A great landing page can certainly garner lots of conversions, mostly because it tends to offer what the audience needs, while still aligning with your business interests.

This landing page captures leads by offering them better conversion rates

How to Optimize Landing Page Experience for a Better Customer Journey?

Your website’s landing pages are one of the most important parts, which can bring groundbreaking changes if optimized in the right way. An optimized landing page experience brings more customers and viewers than a plain landing page. So, let’s get started on the dos and the don’ts of optimizing a landing page.

Be Clear

When you are optimizing a landing page, make sure your brand’s message is clear to the audience. Your landing page should be able to communicate about your brand, because if not so, then it only leads to confusion among the viewers. A brand with a clear landing page tends to get more conversions than one with a clumsy landing page. Also, ensure that your landing page makes it easy for the audience to get the message. They shouldn’t have to look around for clues as to what the landing page is about.

Big Goals But Slow Speed Drives Traffic the Other Way

You want as much traffic on your website because the more people visit your website, the more will be your brand awareness, and the more will be your conversions. But all that also depends on whether your landing page loads fast enough or not. If your landing page takes more than 3 seconds to load, then there’s a pretty high chance of the user quitting your website and redirecting somewhere else. That’s not what you want, right? Ensure that your landing page doesn’t have any large-sized image because that is the key reason why a landing page might load slow. To optimize your landing page, it’s important that you regularly check the speed of the landing page’s loading time.

Mobile Optimization is Necessary

Look around you. How many people can you see with smartphones in their hands? Probably the majority of them? Yes, more than half of the internet population surf the internet on their cell phones. In fact, even Google has rolled out a mobile-specific algorithm that ranks websites based on the mobile browsing frequency and is totally different from desktop ranking. Your landing page should be well optimized for the mobile phone users. Use an interface that automatically generates a mobile-friendly landing page while creating a desktop version. Optimizing a landing page that serves the mobile audience receives 5% more conversion.

Use Content that Drives People to Take Action

A landing page with engaging content, such as a video, or a piece of interesting information, helps in more lead generation than a simple landing page. An optimized landing page should be able to both engage people as well as inform them about your brand. Do not make the landing page overpowering, but use content that is relevant and makes sense.

Do Not Stuff Too Much Information

You want people to connect with your brand, right? You can do that just with a simple optimization of your landing page. Include content that your viewers can relate to, and trust on. A landing page with relatable content gets more audience as compared to a landing page stuffed with too much information, which customers don’t pay attention to most of the time. Also be consistent with your landing page content, as it makes your website credible and makes the audience want to go ahead with your brand.

Show Them What You Have

The first question that a viewer might ask you is, “How are you different from all your competitors out there?” Your landing page can be the perfect answer to that. Optimize your landing page in a way that it’s evident to your audience as to why you are a better choice for them instead of other brands. Show them what you offer, but do not make it enforcing and obvious. Be creative with your landing page. That increases both the engagement and the audience’s choice of choosing your brand.

Final Thoughts

Your landing page acts as the face of your website. A viewer might come across your landing page from any source. Optimizing your landing pages, irrespective of the number, not just provides a better customer journey, but also increases your website’s credibility, conversion rate as well as the audience base. So the next time you plan on creating a landing page, make sure you keep in mind to optimize with the given tips in the article.

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