Top 10 Web Analytics Interview Questions & Answers

Starting a career in Digital Marketing can be easy, but with time you need to understand that whatever digital marketing activities you perform you need to measure them and generate reports about the same. But how will you measure these digital marketing activities? The answer is by using Web Analytics & Google Analytics tools. Web Analytics helps digital marketers to analyze the site performance, understand user behavior and also helps to check which pages work best for their website and which pages help them generate more traffic and have high conversion rates. With this blog post, we are sharing Top 10 Web Analytics Interview Questions & Answers so that you as a digital marketer will be able to deal with all types of Web Analytics queries.

How Does Web Analytics Work?

Most web analytics tools use “tags” in their javascript of the web pages code. With the help of these tags, the analytic tools measure the number of visitors visited your site or the number of clicks on a particular link. These tags also help in measuring the device from which the visitor visited, the location(through IP address). You might wonder that web analytic tools also use cookies to track individual sessions and the number of visitors who visited your site again. These days browsers have put restrictions around adding code snippets to the web pages and users also delete cookies hence getting accurate web analytics is a little difficult.

Define Session, Pageviews, Users &  Goals?

Session – Whenever a user visits your site or the page the session starts. A single web page session can last till 30 minutes. A session is counted as a new session when a user lands on the webpage from a different source. So here the user can be the same the user or a different user. A single session can include multiple pages.

Page Views – the number of times a page is viewed or opened by a visitor is tracked by analytic tools.

Users – are the visitors who have completed 1 single session in a specific time period.

Goals – these are defined as the completed user actions or activities. Goals are also called as conversions as they add up to the success rate of the business. We can only have 20 goals per web property.

What do You Understand by Bounce Rate & Exit Rate? Which is More Important?

Bounce rate is calculated by the number of visitors landing on your web page but do not stay on that page or do not visit any other page as either they don’t find relevant information or maybe the information isn’t interesting.  Accepted bounce rate is 30%.

Exit Rate is defined by the percentage of users seen in the last of a particular session of a web page. These are the ones who left last from a particular page.

Both are equally important to understand the site performance but you need to check why and from where users are leaving more.

What Can You Analyze through Web Analytics?

With the help of Web analytics you can analyze the following:

  • Target Audience
  • Source of the web traffic
  • Number of visits and visitors
  • The top ranking pages
  • Goals converted
  • Bounce and exit rates
  • Web issues if any

How will you enhance web traffic on your web page to get better web analytics?

You can enhance web traffic, by regularly posting good content, doing better SEO activities, performing regular promotion campaigns and advertisements that divert traffic to your site. Doing all this you can ultimately get better web analytics.

Can you explain some of the benefits of performing web analytics?

Web analytics helps in understanding when and how the crawlers visit web pages. It also helps in understanding user behavior. With the help of web analytics, you can also improve the web traffic.

What is event tracking? What are the different elements in event tracking?

Event tracking involves tracking of a specific occasion or action occurred on the website. This can include the pages clicked and visited, download of a document, files or any other specific change.

There are 3 elements in event tracking – labels – they provide more information about the action.

Actions – performed by the user.  eg: a video viewed by a user

Categories –  different sections on the webpage Videos, Downloads.

Define Google Analytics?

Google Analytics is a website traffic analysis tool developed by Google used to analyze user traffic on a website. Based on the analysis it also helps in making appropriate decisions for the betterment of the website.

What are conversions and how can you track them?

Whenever a user completes a desired action or completes the predefined goal then a conversion occurs. Goals like destination, duration, page visit and events defined so the user activity can be tracked accordingly. For example, when a user fills a form or purchases a product, conversion happens.

What are the different types of reports that can be generated in Google Analytics

Types of reports can be generated in Google Analytics

  1. Explorer – standard report that includes line graphs and data tables.
  2. Flat Table – a table that displays data in rows.
  3. Map overlay – a world map that shows different regions that indicates user traffic and engagement volume.

To learn in-depth how Google Analytics works and how you can become a certified Google Analytics profession reach us @9885753885. Along with Google Analytics, you can also learn other interesting concepts like SEO, Content marketing, Social Media Marketing through a Certified Course in Digital Marketing. Join the Course Today!!

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