20 Creative Web Design Ideas For Better Visibility For Beginner’s
At present , when the internet is the second home to all of us, thinking about running a business without a website seems irrational. But it is disheartening to note that only 46% of small businesses own a website. They are simply unaware of the greatest weapon at their disposal. While it has been recorded that people devote 6 hours to the internet daily, no other medium can be thought of when it comes to promoting a business.
This article is dedicated to educating business owners on the importance of having a website. It not only speaks about the efficiency of promotion but also about the hundred other benefits a website can confer. Read further to get enlightened and convinced at the same time.
- A website increases the plausibility of your business:
A website is basically the online address of your business. Having a website means owning a domain. The site tells people that you exist. From knowing in detail about your services to getting in touch with you, a wide range of actions relevant to your business can be taken through the website. The conversion rates are also high for business owners who have a website.
- Your online visibility is enhanced:
About half the entire population is found sitting on the internet for at least six hours a day. So having a website implies increasing the probability of the people available online to chance upon your site. Imagine the exposure your business gets. You can earn prospects all over the world and with the proper strategy you can convert them to clients too.
Let’s see how can you accomplish it:-
- Optimize your pages:
By educating yourself of search engine optimization, you can optimize your pages which will make it easier for search engines like Google, Bing, Yahoo to find your site and display it to a potential audience. - Share engaging content:
Create content regarding your business which is concise and interesting. Share them on different social media platforms. People who like your content will be curious to know more about you and thus will visit your website.
- It’s functional 24/7: A website is an open day and night, every day. There is no holiday. So people can place orders or get in touch with you anytime.
- Increase engagement:
Through agents entitled to answer the queries, read and reply to comments you can increase the flexibility of your business and engage more with the customers and prospects and win their trust.
- Add a personal touch to your business:
Take your business a step beyond getting customers and earning profit. Show your customers that you care for them and extend your gratitude. Be enthusiastic enough to answer their queries and respond to their feedback.Share your perspectives with your audience:
Create a blog page where you would share how and what you think and let your audience know if there is anything new you want to introduce into your business.Engage with your customers and prospect:Use your website to engage with your customers and prospects. Request them to share their experiences of using your product, post comments and fill survey forms.
Make the audience aware about your business:Of the content you create 80% should focus on bringing out the significance of your business and why it is relevant to people. 20% of it should be informative enough to enlighten them about your business.
Think more about the customer’s comfort:
Besides phone and email introduce support in the form of chat. This will broaden the options for your audience to get in touch with you and seek help to resolve issues.
- Promotion of business through websites has an edge over traditional methods of marketing :In traditional methods of marketing, the reach is limited but the expenditure is high. When you market physically, then a lot of effort needs to be put into designing and printing ads and brochures and distributing them in order to motivate people towards sales. But unfortunately, it covers less ground.
While promoting your business through a website, you not only cut down on the time spent and the expenditure but also gain the power to connect with millions at a time. With the advancement of technology a lot of marketing tools have come up . Using the tools you can not only promote your business in the best possible manner but can also analyse the impact your ads create in the market and improve your projects accordingly. There are numerous ways of sharing your business propaganda. It can be through different social media platforms or through your blog posts. Email marketing can do wonders in this regard. Moreover putting up videos on your website is a smart and interesting way of conveying information to your audience. It has also been recorded that videos aid in enhancing the conversion rates to about 80%.
In addition, promotions through websites confers another great advantage. It is a sustainable method. Unlike brochures and printed ads which ultimately end up in trash bins, your content can be updated and circulated again and again to stimulate interest in people.
- A website helps you to be established as an authority figure :
If your business is a part of an industry that has the attention of a lot of people, then a website can give you an effective platform to build your own reputation. When you organize certain significant events on your website, people will begin to take cognizance of you as an individual institution.Blogging takes your business a notch higher. About 47% buyers have agreed that they go through a couple of blogs before landing on the decision to make a purchase. And about 61% buyers have revealed that the reason behind their motivation to buy was a blog. See how effective your content can be !At present Podcasts are in the trend. You can start a podcast that caters to the purpose of your business and extend invitations to experts in the field to discuss topics of interests on your show. Share the schedule on social media platforms. This will increase your brand value as well as influence people to purchase your service.
Seminars also have a great role to play. Through the seminars on your website tell people what you know and create a space for yourself in the market. Active engagement of the audience can be a turning point for you.
- Develop a tool for generation of sales:
It is very surprising to note that a lot of small business owners are of the view that a business page on social media platforms like facebook or instagram is enough. Though that might influence people to make a purchase , it becomes really difficult to convert the motivation into action. Social media platforms lack a mechanism to complete a transaction.On the other hand, if you have an e-commerce website, your audience can pay then and there for products which attract them through the checkout counter. This ultimately increases your market share.
Another way of generating income is the pay-per-click advertising method. If you have a strong website traffic then this can pay you really well. For this you need to put up ads on your website and the advertisers will pay you every time one of your visitors clicks on the ads.
- Display your work:
This is a way of enabling people to know the inside story. On a personal website, put samples of the work you have done and the work in progress. That functions much like a portfolio.If you are an interior designer, content writer, artist, web designer, graphic designer, a website gives you an avenue to showcase what you do. Visitors , while going through your works might get interested and decide to avail your services. On an online platform millions of people get exposure to your works and of course a few of them will definitely want to try you out.
Customer testimonials work magically in the direction of motivating sales. Request your impressed clients to write reviews and you can put them up on your website. This is a great way of convincing the audience that you are possibly the best choice. Try to attach more than five such testimonials. Those work towards validating your claims about the service you provide.
- Get an insight into your performance:
One of the most important aspects of online promotion is that you are never kept in the dark about the performance of your business. A number of analytical tools give you an idea of what impact your advertisement has on the people.Through elaborate metrics, details about the performance of your business is presented to you. From the metrics you can infer details like who all visited your site, the number of visitors, the number of people who completely explored your site and even those who left it half-way. You can also get to know about your niche audience and the leads generated.If the results are not satisfactory then you can modify your strategies and build your projects in a way that can be more impactful. You will be provided with reports at regular intervals to keep a track of your business accomplishments.
- Professionalize your business:
A lot of small business owners do not work on their brand. But there are several reasons to prove that working on your brand even before launching the business is vital for your growth.
A brand is the identity of a business. That tells people more clearly about what you provide and makes it super easy for them to locate you in the crowd. A website aids you in building a brand. Optimization of your website leads to more and more people getting to know about you. Besides, seamless distribution across different social media platforms stimulate interest and contribute towards conversion rates.
In short, a website tells people that you take your business seriously. Therefore, there are high chances that you will get rewarded for this seriousness as people will reciprocate by showing sincere interest in your products.
- Grow your business:
A website helps you to get to the emotions of your audience. Often people encourage brands they can relate to. So it is a wonderful way to make an emotional appeal to your audience to become your clients.
Share the backdrop of your business on your website. Tell them what motivated you, what challenges you had to face on your way, how you overcame them and what keeps you going. It’s a great way to let the audience know what you want to accomplish and tell them that they can be the reason behind that.Moreover, you can post job opportunities by talking about the vacancies and your requirements for people with certain skills to help you run your business on different social media platforms. Don’t forget to provide the link to your website along with it.. This can increase your brand awareness and website traffic.
- A website doesn’t require physical presence to get a work done:
Unlike a brick and mortar business, a business with a website can overcome all hurdles. Tasks can be accomplished online 24/7.Businesses which have a built-in portal suffer no setback even if offices are shut down in case of an emergency. Employees can easily sign-in, collect the assignments and upload the works once completed. Besides, there will be no hindrance in providing customer support as you will just be a few clicks away.
Don’t you think owning a website can help you climb the ladders of success with ease?
- A website is a one spot solution:
Initially websites were nothing more than online brochures. But now the picture has completely changed. Developers add utilitarian features that makes business management extremely easy. The well-designed sites make it a cake walk for website owners to do multiple tasks at the same time.Through a website you can showcase your work and give people an opportunity to complete a transaction for the product they wish to buy. You can track your performance and engage with your audience. By adding testimonials you provide a virtual proof that your business is worth it. Besides you can call for applicants to join in certain posts in your organization and keep your audience updated about your progress. So a website is a hub that fosters a lot of possibilities.
- Have an email address that’s professional:
A professional email address is always more apt and impressive. In Fact a lot of prospects see a free email address of a company as lacking seriousness and effectiveness. A professional email address can be beneficial in several ways.It increases your brand value and represents your company in a better way. By means of a professional email account the number of business emails can be controlled. You can also create distinct email accounts to manage business operations.
- Run your business 24/7:
Internet does not have specific hours of operation. You can extend your support 24/7. Mails, calls and chats can gush in throughout the days and nights. The only requirement is of agents who will manage customer queries. In this way you cater to the needs of your clients situated in countries of different time zones. You can do ‘overtime’ without incurring additional costs. This definitely escalates your value in the eyes of customers and conveys your enthusiasm about providing services.
- Keep a track of your customers:
Online promotion of your business can help you out in unimaginable ways. Traditional marketing methods consume a lot of time and money but fail to provide substantial information about the customers. But through the built-in analytics of several marketing tools you can get a concrete idea of your customer base.
The insights let you know the demographics and who all visit your site regularly. Moreover they let you know what your customers find the most interesting and which kind of content keeps them glued. You will also get an insight into the performance of your ad campaigns.Clearly with so many details you get to know your customers well and are aware of their likes and dislikes. Also you are always under assessment , so you will be forced to be on your toes.
- Lead the race:
Today there is no room for mediocrity. In order to compete with your contemporaries in the industry you need to be at par with them in every aspect. And owning a website is integral to businesses of all sizes. So , if you do not have a website of your own, it implies that you are lagging behind as you don’t have access to a major source of revenue. Besides a website can help you connect with numerous people at a time which is almost impossible in offline modes of promotion.
All the above points specify how a website can help you prove your worth. So it can not be denied that by not having a website you are missing out on something really profitable.
- Win customers :
Having a website and putting up content regularly results in your clients finding you. It is better to repeat that social media marketing is not enough. Only 12.5 % consumers buy through social media while 60% buyers were motivated through emails. Sending commercial emails from your website’s email address proves to be more effective in increasing your market share. - Leads can be generated:
Generating leads is extremely crucial for a company’s growth. Email marketing works amazingly in this field. Getting hold of people’s email addresses is a covert permission to mail them information relevant to your business. But strangers won’t share your emails with you if they are not getting anything in return. This is when your website plays an important role.You can give your audience free subscription to a newsletter or ebook for a month or other such desirable offers and in turn receive their email addresses. This will lead to getting in touch with your prospects and enhancing your reputation.
- Earn from a number of sources:
A website is not only to inform people what you do and sell your products, it is also a source of generating revenue. There are numerous other ways of earning from your website.
As discussed earlier, advertisers can crowd your inbox to display their ads if your website has impressive traffic. For every click on their ads you will be paid by the respective advertisers. Affiliate marketing is very simple yet profitable. All you have to do is promote products of other business owners on your site and earn a commission for each sale that occurs from your site.
You might also get hired by reputed website owners to create content for them provided they find your content impressive enough.
- Manage the reputation of your business:
It is very important for a business owner to earn the trust of customers. A great way to do this is by attaching trust signals to your website. Certificates from well known organizations can be attested to assure the client about the quality of your products.
In addition, a website gives you the autonomy to influence your customers in any way you wish. You can share illustrations or videos on how to use your product, answer queries and respond to feedback. All these will add to the reputation of your company.
Since you have come to the end of this article , it is certain that you have understood how important it is to have a website. Some people might say that promoting through social media is enough. Please don’t fall trap to such claims. We have tried to provide every big reason why you should have a website to boost your business.
If the thought of not having a website has started perturbing you, don’t worry. It’s never too late to start. Take the help of a web designer and build a website now. Do not hesitate to invest the amount required. Believe us, this miniscule investment will pay off and you will bask in the glory of your success. Thank us later.